"Bulletin d'Europe et d'Amérique" / "Bulletin of Europe and America"
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"Bulletin of Europe and America"
Highlights from Europe and America: Fall of Boulangism in France – Animosity and Deficit in Italy – Russia's friendship with France – Britain's ongoing colonial exploits – Germany swindled by Russia and its increased military capacity – Rumours of declining protectionism in the United States
Translation: France – The Chambers are still in recess. Meanwhile, the press and public opinion are interested in the latest incidents of Boulangism. Mr. Mermeix, former newspaper reporter and Boulangist deputy, published, in Le Figaro, under the significant title of "The Wings of Boulangism," little secrets of this political cabal, which, if it had triumphed, would certainly have brought about terrible misfortunes in France. As a result of these revelations, General Boulanger would truly have brought about the fall of the Republic with the Bonapartists and Monarchists from whom he was receiving money.
The general opinion is that the Republic is getting stronger each day.
The arming is continuing, in view of the next war; the French see this as the guarantee of the security and the tranquility of their country.
Italy – Mr. Crispi is still thrashing around in the gears of the Triple Alliance. He has derailed the attempts at a reconciliation between France and Italy, which many of his better intentioned and perspicacious compatriots are working for. Semi-official speeches have shown that Italy shares the sentiments of hostility of its minister, and that, commercially and militarily speaking, the best thing to do on both sides of the Alps is to keep arms at the ready and to stay alert.
A Rome journal, L'Opinione, in an article about the review of Italian finances, declared that in the first two months of the financial year the receipts are more 10 million below the budgetary provisions. If this continues, the deficit will reach 60 million, which added to the 40 million of the existing deficit, predicts a deficit of one hundred million in the current year.
As we see it, Italy is doing well.
Russia – Russia is still the counterweight of the Triple Alliance, the supreme dispenser of peace or war in Europe. From time to time nihilists, to affirm their existence, blow up something or someone. The links of friendship with France still reach out and strengthen themselves more and more.
England – Great Britain is more consistently than ever following its policy of conquests, or rather of colonial despoliations. Yesterday it was Portugal from whom England was taking possessions as its own domains; today it is Germany's flag in Africa. Queen Victoria must have a voracious appetite, to have such a need to expand her already immense empire.
Germany – Since Emperor Wilhelm's voyage to Russia, he has hardly produced news worth reporting. On this subject, in Berlin there is much talk about a sensational article in the newspaper Annales Prussiennes which said that the voyage was a deception, and that the Russian court entertained its imperial guest with a series of pointless theatrical parades, while the military administration had ordered very serious manoeuvres on the western borders, just as the parade was finishing. It even adds that the Prince of Bismarck is visibly the instigator of this failed voyage.
The great manoeuvres and the inspection of the fleet at Kiel are currently demanding attention, with festivities and imperial receptions, all the subjects to keep up on.
The principal interest of the manoeuvres that took place on 6 September was the infantries' shooting with smokeless powder. It seems that the results were excellent. We can only cry alas! thinking about the murderous goal of all these great discoveries.
United States – Economic questions must always come to mind when it comes to the United States. Europe worries or looks with confidence, whenever America, the world's breadbasket, leans more or less toward protectionism or free trade.
Currently, the unfavourable forecasts of the McKinley bill are being succeeded by a continuity that is allowing hope that ultra-protectionism will soon be on the decline in the United States. During the latest election in the state of Vermont, an important protest took place, which is a sign of the turning of public opinion. President Harrison persists in sustaining the ultras, but Mr. Blaine, although still far from wanting a return to free trade, is evolving toward a more liberal policy. The Wall of China that the Republicans want to set up between the United States and the European nations is threatening to become a Tower of Babel. The Americans, a practical people, seem to already be glimpsing the deplorable political and commercial consequences of the McKinley bill, and will know how to stop it in time.
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