"Nouvelles & bruits" / "News & rumours"
1 media/A1N3A7P2_thumb.png 2024-09-06T21:40:11-04:00 Matt Robertshaw 40e5b327fdb9634f3283f04eaa4ba38307a08ce4 143 3 Year 1, Issue 3, Article 7, Page 2 plain 2024-11-11T15:47:52-05:00 09-10-1890 Matt Robertshaw 40e5b327fdb9634f3283f04eaa4ba38307a08ce4This page is referenced by:
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"News & Rumours"
News in Brief: Celebrations for the anniverary of Auguste Comte's death – A new Russian society in Paris – Gathering for newspapers – Anglo-Portuguese treaty reactions – Anniversary of Mexican independence – News on the abolition of the slave trade in Zanzibar – Fire at Thessaloniki – Flood in Senegal – A duel in Holland – News from Haiti's National Bank – Tensions in Dahomey – Bulgarian elections – A celebration for the centenary of Lamartine – First woman joins the Association of Parisian Journalists – Shortened season at the Hippodrome – Eruption of Vesuvius – "Meat bill" in the United States – New US consul-general in Paris – New imports bill in the United States – Obituaries
Translation:The thirty-third anniversary of the death of Auguste Comte, the founder of positivism, was celebrated, on the 5th of September, simultaneously in Paris, London, Stockholm, Rio de Janeiro, Calcutta and in many other cities.
In Paris, at the Père-Lachaise cemetery, a speech was given by Mr. Paul Descours, representing the positivist society of Newton Hall. In the afternoon, Mr. Pierre Laffite spoke on the progress of positivist propaganda. The day concluded with a banquet at the Palais-Royal.
===Russophile Society
Just founded in Paris, under the direction of Mrs. Adam, is a so-called friends of Russia society, destined to maintain and to develop the good relations that between exist between France and Russia.
A fraternal gathering will be held this evening at 9 p.m., at Café Riche, for representatives of the Parisian republican press, by the representatives of the Spanish, Portuguese and Italian republican press in Paris.
The Anglo-Portuguese Treaty has, it seems, stirred up lively discontent in Lisbon. A popular protest took place on the 6th, which prompted a meeting of the council of ministers.
The sixty-sixth anniversary of the Mexican proclamation of independence will be celebrated in Paris, on the 15th of this month, by a great reception a the hotel of the Legation.
In the absence of Mr. Ramon-Fernandez, the minister from Mexico, the honours will be given to Mr. Baz, the chargé d'affaires.
===The Slave Trade in Zanzibar
A telegraph from Zanzibar reads:A faint agitation has reigned, for some time, in Zanzibar. The sultan posted a proclamation banning the slave market, a proclamation counter-signed by the English consul. The Arab families protested; in a single day, the placards were pulled down three times. The sultan's authority is contested, and soldiers are refusing to obey him. The English and German squadrons have approached the town. At night, electric lights illuminated the coast, and the naval detachments are ready to disembark to prevent a rebellion.
Fire at Thessaloniki
Athens, 5 September – From the 3rd to the 4th of September, eight fires broke out in Thessaloniki, causing terrible damage.
It is estimated that 1,600 houses have burned down, and more than 12,000 people are left homeless.
It seems that this terrible disaster is due to malevolence.
===Flood in Senegal
A rise in the sea-level suffered in Senegal has just destroyed part of the town of Khayes, one of the French possessions along the Upper River.
An encounter took place on the 6th in Clinge (Holland), between Mr. Henri Rochefort, the well known journalist, and Mr. Georges Thiébaud who, in the Boulangist period, had a certain notoriety.
The motive: And article by the director of the Intransigeant.
In the first engagement, which lasted about 30 seconds, Mr. Georges Thiébaud was struck successively in the left temporal region, on the cheek, and on the right hip.
===National Bank of Haiti
We have just received a brochure entitled: National Bank of Haiti, A Page of History, whose author is Mr. Frédéric Marcelin, the former deputy, president of the Commerce Tribunal in Port-au-Prince. We will talk more about it later.
The new director of the National Bank of Haiti. Mr. Louis Hartmann, is leaving Paris on the 20th to go to Port-au-Prince. Mr. Hartmann lived for a long time in Haiti and has many friends there.
===In Dahomey
The mission that the French government entrusted to R. P. Dorgère regarding the King of Dahomey has failed. A serious action is being prepared for the month of November, after the rainy season.
It has been announced that a French expedition will leave for Abomey around 18 September. It will consist of three columns leaving from Grand-Popo, Whydah and Porto-Novo.
===Results of Bulgarian Elections
206 government deputies and 12 opposition. There remains 77 to be determined.
===The Centenary of Lamartine
The Comédie-Française will participate in the festivities that will take place on the 18th of October, in Mâcon, on the occasion of the centenary of Lamartine.
Many members will recite the principal poems of the master, and perform an act of Toussaint Louverture (1.).
The Association of Parisian Journalists received among its members Mrs. Wattier d'Ambroye, a talented writer, presented to the committee by Messrs. Vacquerie and Paul Menrice.
She is the first woman to be part of the Association.
===Next Closure of the Hippodrome
Because of the engagements in the lyrical theatre of the artists who make up the choirs and ballets of Jeanne d'Arc, the season at the Hippodrome will be quite short.
Jeanne d'Arc met an unexpected success: there is a crowd every evening, and every Sunday thousands of people are turned away.
===Eruption of Vesuvius
As if there were not enough disasters off all sorts, cyclones, floods, fires, that are ravaging Europe, now Vesuvius is threatening to join in. For the last two weeks the crater, which was opened last year after a violent earthquake, has been spewing torrents of lava.
A powerful eruption is expected.
The "meat bill" regarding the verification of the sanitary state of American meat exports, was adopted on the 3rd of September in the Senate in Washington.
Mr. King, the new consul-general for the United States in Paris, took up his post on the 1st of September. His predecessor, Mr. Rathbone, left on Saturday for Le Havre for his return to America.
The president of the United States signed, on the 30th of August, the McKinley bill, ordering the the inspection of foreign merchandise.
This bill was applied as of the day it was signed.
Chairian, the well known novelist and the former collaborator of Erckmann, died on the 1st of September, in Villemomble, at the age of 61.
Death of Mgr. Bélonino. This friendly curate leaves many in mourning in Haiti, where he lived for many years.
1. This drama was performed in 1850, at Porte-Saint-Martin, with Frédérick Lemaître in the title role.
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