Note - Georges Ernest Boulanger
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"News & Rumours"
News in brief: Reception for Mexican independence day – Change in the theatre program – Edgar La Selve given new role – Canadian bishop left Paris – Lavigerie arrived in Paris – Tension between Portugal and Great Britain in Lisbon – Cholera – Smallpox –Execution by electrocution in the United States – Crisis in Argentina – Freemasons against Boulangism – American swimmer in the Thames – The Prime Meridian – Religion in Alsace – Dahomey inquiry – European market proposal – New book by General Légitime
Translation:A brilliant reception took place last night at the Mexican Legation, where Mr. Gonzalo Baz held "a tea" for the notables of the diplomatic corps and the elites of Parisian society, in celebration of the anniversary of the proclamation of Mexican independence, which coincides with that of the birth of General Porfirio Díaz, president of Mexico.
The select day, at the Comédie française will soon be changed, it seems. Saturday will be adopted instead of Tuesday. This resolution was taken at the instigation of the princess of Sagan, for whom the direction of the Français saw itself forced to pull down the proscenium that she occupied on the Tuesday, this space having be reclaimed for this date by the president of the Republic.
Our fellow, Mr. Edgar La Selve of "the Society of Men of Letters, study traveller, director of the Revue Exotique Illustré, officer of the Academy since 1880," has just been promoted, by the decree of 28 July last, as Officer of Public Instruction.
Mr. Edgar La Selve, who is well known in Haiti, is the author or Exotic Novels, such as Fleurs des Tropiques and... General Cocoyo.
Mgr. Labelle, the likeable bishop of Canada, left Paris on the 3rd of September, after a stay of ten months in France, to return directly to Quebec where he has been recalled for reasons of service.
===Cardinal Lavigerie in Paris
His Eminence the Cardinal Lavigerie arrived last night in Paris, coming from Algiers via Bordeaux where he spent the day on Sunday.
The prelate has come to preside over the Antislavery Congress, which will open, as we have said, on the 22nd of this month.
A dispatch from Lisbon says the population is uneasy at the presence of an English ship in the waters of the Tagus. Some soldiers and sailors of the crew went ashore when they had to quickly reembark, pursued by cries and insults against England.
Cholera is still striking Spain. On the 12th, 61 cases and 30 deaths were reported in the provinces of Albacete, Alicante, Badajoz, Tarragona, Toledo and Valencia.
Smallpox is spreading through all of the quarters of Madrid. Since the 1st of September... the number of cases varies between 22 and 40 per day; the average number of deaths is 6. The sickness mainly hits children and adults of the poor classes.
A second execution with electricity has been in announced in the United States. Kemmler's successor is a Japanese named Shubuna-Jugiros, who was condemned to death for murder. His lawyer, invoking the dismal precedent of this mode of execution, demanded the writ of habeas corpus, but his request was rejected because of a decision that the Supreme Court that had declared electrocution legal.
Buenos Aires, 13 September. A ministerial crisis broke out in La Plata.
The Council of the Paris order of Freemasons voted, in its last session, an agenda that calls for the expulsion of the Brethren who cooperated in the direction of the Boulangist movement, particularly Brother Laguerre and all the others, deputies and senators, who gave their support to the Boulangist committees.
The famous American swimmer Dalton, in the presence of a large crowd of curious onlookers and fans, swam down the Thames, from Blackwall to Gravesend, doing the backstroke. The trip was accomplished in six hours and a few minutes. On coming out of the water, Dalton did not seem tired in the least.
===Unique Prime Meridian
An international scientific congress will soon take place in Rome, for the adoption of a unique prime meridian and a universal time. On the advice of the Academy of Bologna, which has considered the question at length, the meridian of Jerusalem will be proposed.
In a relative large number of villages in Alsace, the similtaneum is practiced, which is to say Catholicism and Protestantism are celebrated in the same building. This custom will cease.
Mr. Siciliano, whose important declarations we read above, was called to Paris by the government, which wants to know more details about the revelations he made about Dahomey.
Many Jewish communities in the United States, to show their broadmindedness and to put themselves into social harmony with their compatriots, transferred their weekly day of rest from Saturday to Sunday.
Tolstoy, the great Russian writer, is gravely ill. We fear it might be the end.
Rome, 12 September – The Pope approved the idea of organizing, in the Vatican in 1893, on the occasion of his episcopal jubilee, a Universal Exposition of works done by Catholic workers throughout the world.
===Economic War
In a Congress held in Vienna, a proposition of a European customs union has just been made to respond, in an energetic and effective matter, to the protectionist measures taken by the United States. An economic war is beginning between the old and the new continent.
We would like to announce the publication of a book that General Légitime is in the process of correcting the final proofs, and which is entitled History of the Government of General Légitime, President of the Republic of Haiti. Interviewed on this subject, General Légitime declared that he ha no intention of entering into militant politics, but that he only wanted to provide a document for history.
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"Bulletin of Europe and America"
Highlights from Europe and America: Fall of Boulangism in France – Animosity and Deficit in Italy – Russia's friendship with France – Britain's ongoing colonial exploits – Germany swindled by Russia and its increased military capacity – Rumours of declining protectionism in the United States
Translation: France – The Chambers are still in recess. Meanwhile, the press and public opinion are interested in the latest incidents of Boulangism. Mr. Mermeix, former newspaper reporter and Boulangist deputy, published, in Le Figaro, under the significant title of "The Wings of Boulangism," little secrets of this political cabal, which, if it had triumphed, would certainly have brought about terrible misfortunes in France. As a result of these revelations, General Boulanger would truly have brought about the fall of the Republic with the Bonapartists and Monarchists from whom he was receiving money.
The general opinion is that the Republic is getting stronger each day.
The arming is continuing, in view of the next war; the French see this as the guarantee of the security and the tranquility of their country.
Italy – Mr. Crispi is still thrashing around in the gears of the Triple Alliance. He has derailed the attempts at a reconciliation between France and Italy, which many of his better intentioned and perspicacious compatriots are working for. Semi-official speeches have shown that Italy shares the sentiments of hostility of its minister, and that, commercially and militarily speaking, the best thing to do on both sides of the Alps is to keep arms at the ready and to stay alert.
A Rome journal, L'Opinione, in an article about the review of Italian finances, declared that in the first two months of the financial year the receipts are more 10 million below the budgetary provisions. If this continues, the deficit will reach 60 million, which added to the 40 million of the existing deficit, predicts a deficit of one hundred million in the current year.
As we see it, Italy is doing well.
Russia – Russia is still the counterweight of the Triple Alliance, the supreme dispenser of peace or war in Europe. From time to time nihilists, to affirm their existence, blow up something or someone. The links of friendship with France still reach out and strengthen themselves more and more.
England – Great Britain is more consistently than ever following its policy of conquests, or rather of colonial despoliations. Yesterday it was Portugal from whom England was taking possessions as its own domains; today it is Germany's flag in Africa. Queen Victoria must have a voracious appetite, to have such a need to expand her already immense empire.
Germany – Since Emperor Wilhelm's voyage to Russia, he has hardly produced news worth reporting. On this subject, in Berlin there is much talk about a sensational article in the newspaper Annales Prussiennes which said that the voyage was a deception, and that the Russian court entertained its imperial guest with a series of pointless theatrical parades, while the military administration had ordered very serious manoeuvres on the western borders, just as the parade was finishing. It even adds that the Prince of Bismarck is visibly the instigator of this failed voyage.
The great manoeuvres and the inspection of the fleet at Kiel are currently demanding attention, with festivities and imperial receptions, all the subjects to keep up on.
The principal interest of the manoeuvres that took place on 6 September was the infantries' shooting with smokeless powder. It seems that the results were excellent. We can only cry alas! thinking about the murderous goal of all these great discoveries.
United States – Economic questions must always come to mind when it comes to the United States. Europe worries or looks with confidence, whenever America, the world's breadbasket, leans more or less toward protectionism or free trade.
Currently, the unfavourable forecasts of the McKinley bill are being succeeded by a continuity that is allowing hope that ultra-protectionism will soon be on the decline in the United States. During the latest election in the state of Vermont, an important protest took place, which is a sign of the turning of public opinion. President Harrison persists in sustaining the ultras, but Mr. Blaine, although still far from wanting a return to free trade, is evolving toward a more liberal policy. The Wall of China that the Republicans want to set up between the United States and the European nations is threatening to become a Tower of Babel. The Americans, a practical people, seem to already be glimpsing the deplorable political and commercial consequences of the McKinley bill, and will know how to stop it in time.
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News in brief: A girl avenges the death of her father in Guatemala – Fundraiser for fire victims in Martinique – Anti-slavery writing contests – Stage actors get married in Denver – A duel between women – The musician Paulus denies being association with Boulanger – English sailors play a royal prank in Halifax
Translation:The abundance of material obliges us to postpone the interesting publication of the "Preface" to a History of Haiti, by our collaborator Louis Borno, to next week.
===In Guatemala
A girl avenges the death of her father – In the aftermath of the troubles that erupted in Guatemala, after the victories of San Salvador, General Barrundia, ex-Minister of War of Guatemala under President Barrios, rebelled against Barillas and had emigrated to Mexico.
Learning that a general amnesty had been granted, he had embarked for Panama on an American steamer. Barillas, informed of the return of his old adversary, demanded his capture. The captain refused unless he received an order from Mr. Mizner, minister of the United States in Guatemala. The latter made the mistake of authorizing the Guatemalan police to seize the fugitive. The general seeming to resist, the agents, instead of disarming him and forcing him to the ground, killed him on board, without the captain protesting.
The next day, General Barrundia's daughter, a great and beautiful person of 18 years, showed up at the United States' minister's house and fired on him with four blows of a revolver. The minister survived, and the young girl was arrested and held incommunicado.
This act of filial love stirred up the Guatemalan population, who took up the defence of its author. The American legation was likely to be ransacked, if the adept police had not stepped in.
It has been announced that the government of Guatemala has decided to exile Miss Barrundia.
===For the Victims in Fort-de-France
In order to give an exceptional attraction to the great festivities that it is organizing for the profit of the victims in Fort-de-France, the municipality of Antwerp has solicited the Minister of War for the support of the music of the republican guard. Mr. de Freycinet having agreed to the request, the music of the guard, under the direction of its leader Mr. Wetge, will leave Paris next Friday the 12th. The voyage will take five days. A magnificent welcome is prepared for the premier French military music by the population of Antwerp, who remember the festival organized last year, in Paris, in favour of the victims of the catastrophe of Antwerp, and which will surely pay the debt of recognition that it contracted with regard to France.
===A Useful Contest
As seen in the notification letter publishing in our last issue, Cardinal Lavigerie, in order to affirm, by way of a useful work, the importance of the anti-slavery congress that will take place in Paris, has just opened a contest for the composition of a popular work destined to indicate the means of abolishing slavery in Africa.
A prize of 20,000 francs is set aside for the author of the work that is chosen as the winner.
We hope that this news will have an impact in Haiti, and that our moralists and our young writers will take part in such a noble literary tournament.
===A Theatrical Marriage
In Denver, a city in Colorado (United States), two actors and two actresses each night performed a scene in which they got engaged. Three weeks ago, in filling these roles, they were so infused with their characters that, the moment that the curtain fell at the end of the play, they had a protestant pastor come on the scene and unite them—this time for real. The public, becoming aware of what was going on, cheered on the four artists, and the orchestra played a nuptial march, and the maitre d's immediately transformed the theatre into a banquet hall of one hundred and fifty place settings.
===A Duel Between Women
An encounter with épées took place Monday morning between two women of loose morals, one of whom was a young American.
The irons had hardly been engaged when Pandora arose unexpectedly, and brought the delinquents with all due gallantry to the police station.
After a severe reprimand, the magistrate sent the two enemies away without having been able to reconcile them.
The épées, weapons of great value, were confiscated.
It is useless to describe the motive of this encounter... Look for the man!
It is, all the same, really too fin de siècle.
===Paulus and General Boulanger
An editor of the Gaulois had an interview with Paulus. — "Ah! The general," the famous singer cried, "I'm associated with him! But, Sir, I did not create General Boulanger, I only consecrated him. I cannot create anyone. All I do is respond to ambitious people who request that I launch them with my songs.
"The public is my master, and I am its valet; in order for me to keep the favour of my audience, it is necessary that no protestation is raised from among the spectators.
"From the moment I took up Boulanger, he was unanimously liked. He was like a painting; he was made, I polished him; so people should stop associating me with him.
"All the more because, as soon as he started being discussed, I introduced variations.
"Currently, it would be just as impossible to sing about Boulanger as to sing about Ferry or Constans."
===Costly Honours
On the 2nd of August, the English warship Truth, having prince George of Wales on board, entered into the port of Halifax. A deputation of residents went on board to invite the son of the future king of England to a banquet that was going to take place in the town. The invitation being made without warning, it could not be accepted, and five midshipmen [English in original] (naval cadets) were charged with going ashore to thank the townspeople and to announce that the prince could not come. Our five rash fellows had the idea to take advantage of the to play a prank on the townspeople. One of them, who looked a bit like the prince, claimed to be prince George. He filled the role wonderfully. He received honours from all and showed himself particularly friendly with the young ladies of Halifax. The banquet was extremely lively; there were toasts to the queen, to the Prince of Wales, and to the fleet. The false prince responded most courteously.
The whole affair would have remained unknown if not for a visit from a delegation from the town that came on board.
The five jokesters were immediately discharged and given over to a war council.
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For Those Who Are Bored
Cheeky wordplay about Boulanger
General Boulanger and Haiti
O Fortune, blind goddess! How cruel are your blows!...
The brav'general atoned for the dazzling success of a day with a dizzying and profound fall. This fall is all the more irremediable because it is henceforth consecrated by dreadful puns. Listen on:
Yesterday, a very respectable Monsieur came up to me and said: "Did you know that Boulanger almost went to Haiti... as President!" "Ah bah!" "It's true! It seems that a charlatan tried to convince him, at the time of your last revolution, that it could happen. It would, after all, have aligned with the nature of things: The Black Republic would have for its leader General Boule en jais!"
Horrible, no?...
Poor general!...
Note: The pun, of course, is lost in translation; boule en jais, which sounds like "Boulanger," means jet black head.
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