"Ododo Wa" Community Dialogues


Welcome to "Ododo Wa" Community Dialogues

This is a digital space that tracks responses to "Ododo Wa: Stories of Girls in War"

This Scalar platform is developed in connection with the traveling exhibit "Ododo Wa: Stories of Girls in War." The traveling exhibit and this web platform are part of a connection-outreach project funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council and coordinated by the Conjugal Slavery in War partnership project. To learn what topics this project engages with, see this Content Note.

This Scalar platform project:
  1. features original multi-media content developed in collaboration with CSiW researchers and project partners involved in the Ododo Wa traveling exhibit;
  2. provides background and context about the exhibit and its development;
  3. showcases themes, perspectives, and responses emerging from community dialogues associated with the exhibit;
  4. and traces the exhibit's journey from one location to the next.

The "Ododo Wa" Community Dialogues Scalar platform is developed by York University graduate students and research assistants with Sarah York-Bertram acting as project lead, team members Zhi Ming Sim and Andrea González, and Denise Challenger as a digital humanities and Scalar platform consultant. CSiW project coordinator Véronique Bourget has acted as the research and content advisor for the platform. Bourget and CSiW project director Dr. Annie Bunting have facilitated collaborations with project partners. This Scalar platform has been made in collaboration with York University Libraries Digital Scholarship Centre and has original contributions by memoirists and activists Grace Acan and Evelyn Amony, CSiW partner Juliet Adoch, and CSiW undergraduate student researcher Lorenzo Seravalle. The Canadian Museum for Human Rights, Refugee Law Project, and CSiW have contributed pictures and audio recordings featured on the platform. 

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