Curating the Story Museum: A Resource for EducatorsMain MenuIntroduction to Curating the Story MuseumBy Naomi Hamer and Ann Marie MurnaghanProject DescriptionProject DescriptionCurating the Story MuseumSummary Video of the ProjectUndergraduate and Graduate Research Assistants Research OutputsResearch Assistant CollaborationsUrban Children's BooksBy Quentin StuckeyMuseums during COVID-19: Opportunities for engagementResearched and written by Dana MitchellChildren's Museum and Story Sites in the Greater Toronto Area, Past and PresentBy Sabrina Pavelic, with Helena Wright and Elizabeth TherouxReviewing Dr. SeussBy Sabrina PavelicThe Royal Canadian Mounted Police Heritage CentreBy C. GunnExhibit reviews from our undergraduate collaboratorsReviews from Dr. Hamer's English 910: English Capstone SeminarResearch OutputsBook Chapter and Journal Articles produced over the course of the project.The hybrid exhibits of the story museum: The child as creative artist and the limits to hands-on participationBy Naomi Hamer (2019) Museum and Society, 17(3), 390-403.Exploring the Museum at Night: Young people’s Agency and Citizenship in Museum-Related Children’s Literature and ProgrammingBy Naomi Hamer and Ann Marie Murnaghan. In The Role of the Child as Citizen: Agency and Activism in Children’s Literature and Culture, edited by Giuliana Fenech. University of Mississippi Press.Global Children's MuseumsArt, Story and PlayResources for ResearchCollection of Documents in this EbookAnn Marie Murnaghan and Naomi Hamer081b9a890206e558011a8c3bc15a99df3910cbdf
12024-02-24T15:39:04-05:00Ann Marie Murnaghan and Naomi Hamer081b9a890206e558011a8c3bc15a99df3910cbdf12711Special thanks to all our Collaboratorsplain2024-02-25T17:02:39-05:00Ann Marie Murnaghan and Naomi Hamer081b9a890206e558011a8c3bc15a99df3910cbdf
We would like to thank all our collaborators, assistants and funders, and the artists, authors, and archivists who helped us along the way.
Community Collaborators: Mr. Andersen, Mr. Andersen's class at Sprucecourt Public School, and our young video contributors.
Undergraduate Collaborators: Ahmed Ridha, Arianna Guaragna, Erica Armata, Eva Escandon, Francesca Jamshidy, Imani Brown, Isabelle Anastacio, Jacqueline Petsinis, Joanna Tortorici, Karen Li, Kyrie Woolsey, Lola Messersi, Lorraine Illeperuma, Matthew Luna, Maxwell Hedington, Melina Milkis, Nadia Tonkovic, Paris Salmon-Wright, Rebecca Rocillo, Semhar Tesfagergies, Shawna Cormier, Tiffany Yeung, and Veron Zhou, and the students of ENG 910 from 2020-2023.
Research Assistants: Quentin Stuckey, Helena Wright, Liu Chia Wei, Elizabeth Theroux, Emily Smith, Dana Mitchell, Paris Salmon-Wright, Loraine Illeperuma, Sabrina Pavelic, Fel Castaneda Gamboa, Miles Barstead, C. Gunn, and Harleen Grewal.
Academic Collaborations: MA in Literatures of Modernity program, Department of English, Toronto Metropolitan University and in particular Graduate Chair of English Jason Boyd. Librarian Alison Skyrme, Toronto Metropolitan University who provided an interview on our YouTube Channel. Librarian Anna St. Onge, York University for her extremely helpful introduction and training in Scalar.
Funding: Insight Development Grant, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, for Curating the story museum: Transmedia practices, participatory exhibits, and youth citizenship. MA in Literatures of Modernity program. Departments of English, and Geography and Environmental Studies, Faculty of Arts, Toronto Metropolitan University, and Department of Humanities, Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies, York University provided grants for travel and presentation of this research.
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12023-08-25T12:42:20-04:00Ann Marie Murnaghan and Naomi Hamer081b9a890206e558011a8c3bc15a99df3910cbdfExploring the Museum at Night: Young people’s Agency and Citizenship in Museum-Related Children’s Literature and ProgrammingAnn Marie Murnaghan and Naomi Hamer8By Naomi Hamer and Ann Marie Murnaghan. In The Role of the Child as Citizen: Agency and Activism in Children’s Literature and Culture, edited by Giuliana Fenech. University of Mississippi Press.plain2024-02-24T15:39:28-05:00Ann Marie Murnaghan and Naomi Hamer081b9a890206e558011a8c3bc15a99df3910cbdf
1media/IMG_115.jpeg2023-06-12T14:36:22-04:00Ann Marie Murnaghan and Naomi Hamer081b9a890206e558011a8c3bc15a99df3910cbdfProject DescriptionAnn Marie Murnaghan and Naomi Hamer35Project Descriptionplain2024-02-25T07:36:53-05:00Ann Marie Murnaghan and Naomi Hamer081b9a890206e558011a8c3bc15a99df3910cbdf
1media/curating cover.jpg2023-06-12T14:37:19-04:00Ann Marie Murnaghan and Naomi Hamer081b9a890206e558011a8c3bc15a99df3910cbdfCurating the story museum: Transmedia practices, participatory exhibits, and youth citizenshipAnn Marie Murnaghan and Naomi Hamer12The Strong National Museum of Play, Rochester, New York. Photograph by Ann Marie Murnaghan.splash2024-02-25T18:44:48-05:00Ann Marie Murnaghan and Naomi Hamer081b9a890206e558011a8c3bc15a99df3910cbdf
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12024-02-25T08:30:31-05:00Ann Marie Murnaghan and Naomi Hamer081b9a890206e558011a8c3bc15a99df3910cbdfResources for Research22Collection of Documents in this Ebookstructured_gallery64592024-02-25T18:41:59-05:00Ann Marie Murnaghan and Naomi Hamer081b9a890206e558011a8c3bc15a99df3910cbdf
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1media/3a114709-bd80-43ef-a0c4-87a721caf47d_thumb.jpeg2024-02-25T13:53:45-05:00Co-investigators at Popeye Village Malta.1Photograph by Ann Marie