"Ododo Wa" Community Dialogues

Original Short Films

As curator Isabelle Masson explains, the Ododo Wa exhibit features original short films. These films were developed using video footage of Evelyn Amony's and Grace Acan's oral histories. Maggie Ikemiya created animation drawings to depict Amony's and Acan's stories. In Evelyn Amony's film, the main colour is green which was inspired by her green skirt, an artefact that is featured in the exhibit. The main colour in Grace Acan's film is blue which is inspired by the blue school sweater she and other school girls from St. Mary's Aboke wore as part of their school uniform. The girls abducted from the school were recognizable in the "bush" due to their blue sweaters. A blue sweater from St. Mary's Aboke is featured as an artefact in the exhibit.

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