"Ododo Wa" Community Dialogues

News Media

News media and journalists engage in the international launches of the "Ododo Wa: Stories of Girls in War" exhibits. Journalists and news media organizations document the exhibit, its travels, and its aims. As a result, there are sources to review in a news media analysis. 

Selected news features, excerpts, and quotes are showcased in this path to show how news media engages the exhibit. In addition, this path includes Evelyn Amony's and Grace Acan's reflections on their experience talking to the media and "deeper dives" into topics that emerge from journalists' coverage.  

This analysis was conducted by CSiW Scalar team. We found that most coverage makes space for more storytelling and comment by the exhibit's makers. The main information our analysis found is: the way news media frames and engages the exhibit; the types of questions posed by journalists; the responses to these questions; and future directions. 

Through a close reading of the news media sources we found five main themes:
1) survivor-centred approaches to sexual violence in conflict,
2) "breaking silence" on experiences of women and girls in war;
3) persistent struggles
4) justice for survivors; and
5) transnational organizing and future directions

Follow the path through each theme below.


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