This content was created by Robyn LeLacheur. The last update was by Anna St.Onge.
Looking Back: Temporal and Spatial Connections of Post-War Migration and Displacement Through the Eyes of the Toronto TelegramMain MenuLooking Back: Temporal and Spatial Connections of Post-War Migration and Displacement Through the Eyes of the Toronto TelegramBy Robyn LeLacheurTimeline of Publishing Patterns of Global Displacement between 1939-1964Photographs provided by the Toronto TelegramRefugees & Displaced Peoples: Where they came fromRefugees and MigrantsLocal Context: War Guests in TorontoTheir War Goes On: Opulence Hides Gray RefugeesArticle by Ron Poulton, Telegram Staff ReporterImage Representation of Refugees: An Analysis of Terence Wright's Article, "Moving Images: The Media Representation of Refugees"War Guests, (Im)migrants, and RefugeesThe Representation of War Guests, (Im)migrants, and Refugees Through Wartime Propaganda and IconographyAnna St.Onge25b2131b3bad72f47d55b2ab29f71ad3b83a7de6Robyn LeLacheur69764b2f71565fb3dfb6990b7c0672e799d40562
Boarding at Union Station to return home to the British Isles
12018-04-07T19:57:06-04:00Robyn LeLacheur69764b2f71565fb3dfb6990b7c0672e799d40562157"Seventeen young war guests of Canada gathered at the Union Station last night to board a train that whisked them off on the first leg of their long journey back to their homes in the British Isles. Some of them are shown in these pictures. Margaret Cowie, who came to Toronto from Edinburgh to st ay with Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Godson, was just 14 when she arrived. Now she is 19-and pretty-and she had two handsome male friends on hand to bid her good-bye. One was a member of the Royal Canadian Navy, Bill Westlake, of Toronto, while the other was an RCAF man, Don Gray, of Windsor, and formerly of Edinburgh. Like Margaret, Don came to Canada when he was 15 but not at 20, he is not going back home. He is now a Canadian citizen and what's more, he's in the air force. He served overseas and saw his parents in Scotland while there. Twelve-year-old John Gomm, of Hounslow, Middlesex, found it anything but easy bidding his pals good-bye. And the eyes of Teddy Hill were suspiciously bright as he watched Bill Leak give John's haversack a final little tug. John has been the guest of Bill and his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Leak, 10 Ardmore road, for the past five years. Lionel Dawson, 15, has been staying with Mr. and Mrs. Stiver at their Unionville home. He comes from Norwich, Englad. With him in Unionville were his brothers and sister, Neville, 17, Gerald, 11, and Betty, 13. At home is another little brother and a baby sister whom they have never seen." (Caption on back)plain2023-08-31T17:02:41-04:0008/29/194543.645591, -79.379125Anna St.Onge25b2131b3bad72f47d55b2ab29f71ad3b83a7de6