This page was created by Naddya Tavara.  The last update was by Matthew Dunleavy.

Victorian Ghosts, 1852-1907: EN 4573 Collection


an act or practise made and excersed back in the old days that can make a individual lose conscious of one's self and generates a feeling of being lost and makes them vulnerable to the person that hypnotized them to follow his or her orders.

"Delusions they may be, but not always in the sense usually understood. It would be wiser for them and scientists in general if they would proceed on the assumption that a very considerable proportion of the alleged phenomena are due to a species of hypnotism on the part of the observer." (Norton, 707)

Charles Ledyard Norton. “Ghosts, Dreams and Hypnotism.” The North American review 146.379 (1888): 704–707. Print.

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