This page was created by Zainab Ahmed.  The last update was by Anonymous.

Victorian Ghosts, 1852-1907: EN 4573 Collection


A term British surgeon, Walter Cooper Dendy introduced in 1847. A ‘Spectral Illusion’ refers to what he calls ghosts of the mind’s eye. In today’s world this is another way of talking about when our mind plays tricks on our eyes, and we think we see something that might not actually be there. This is relevant to the story, as here it is unclear to Dr. Hesselius whether to believe Mr. Jennings because he is so frightened, and genuinely believes the monkey is haunting him. Blom, J.D. “Illusive Conception - Spectral Illusions.” Dictionary of Hallucinations, Academic Dictionaries and Encyclopedias, 2010, [ZA]

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