This page was created by Zainab Ahmed.  The last update was by Anonymous.

Victorian Ghosts, 1852-1907: EN 4573 Collection

LeFanu. [Z.A]-09

This term has many meanings across various cultures. Genies (also called Jinn or genii) are spirits in Middle Eastern and African Cultures. Genie coming from the Arabic word Jinni refers to evil spirits that can take the shape of an animal or person, even a nonliving thing such as air or fire. To the Mende people of Sierra Leone, Genii are spirits who posses people. In Ancient Rome, Genii which is the plural of the Latin word Genius referred to spirits that watch over everyone. A Brief History of Jinn or Genies. (2011, August 25). Retrieved October 19, 2020, from [ZA]

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