The Situation in Haiti
One can only imagine how happy are the hearts of those whose task is to defend the interests of Haiti in Europe at hearing this news. At a time when all eyes are fixed on the Dark Continent, it is sweet to be able to say to the civilized world: notice our efforts to raise the intellectual level of our race! Do not hinder our development work.
This era of prosperity that seems to finally be opening for Haiti will have as a consequence the immediate growth of our credit, which—alas!—has been so weakened abroad. We must, in my humble opinion, sacrifice much to attain this result.
On this matter, it is our duty to publish the following letter from a Paris merchant who has had very extensive relations with Haiti. It has to do with a financial incident which was quite disturbing in certain speculation contexts.
Mister Director,
You know that I am following events in Haiti with great interest, and how much I welcome the efforts of your compatriots whenever, renouncing the strange manner in which they kill each other, they affirm by some vague hope of progress their desire to advance.
The tranquillity that proceeds from the stability of Hyppolite's government permits one to hope for an era of peace, and hence of prosperity, for your country. The great number of Haitians that came to Paris this year, the
Benito Sylvain