This page was created by Shriya Mujumdar. 

Design Stories: Exploring Everyday Things


Business Professionals
The Blackberry Bold 9000 was marketed as a sophisticated and elite category of phones, targeted mainly towards business professionals working corporate jobs. Many articles identify Blackberry’s target audience as individuals advancing in their careers, along with people in high-profile government or corporate jobs. Blackberry’s placed great emphasis on security and privacy in communication, which is evident even today, through their complete shift towards cyber-security. Further, many of the advertisements showcase this through highlighting the multi-functional nature of the phone. Video advertisements place emphasis on efficiency, multitasking, security and productivity through showcasing the multitudes of features available on the phone. These showcased features included email, messenger, calendar and browser applications. By emphasising how the Blackberry contains features that used to be exclusive to laptops, the marketing around these phones shows how professionals can work on the go.

Targeted for High-tech Consumers
Many newspaper advertisements include products such as travel chargers and bluetooth headsets alongside the Blackberry Bold, thus amplifying their marketing strategy. Blackberry products were also advertised as being smart, intuitive and hi-tech. They thus targeted individuals who were able to embrace this technology. Evidence of this can be seen through a newspaper advertisement that says this product was a “Hot Smartphone for Hot, Smart Moms”. This advertisement showcases another sector of the brands target market, working or busy moms who need the ability to multitask. This goes with their initial strategy of marketing towards individuals who worked corporate, high paying jobs and used a variety of technology.

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