This page was created by Shriya Mujumdar.
Influential Endorsements
Endorsements by influential individuals further added to the Blackberry being considered a status symbol among professionals. Barack Obama was consistently seen using his Blackberry prior to taking office which further solidified Blackberry’s image as being associated with leadership and sophistication. Fran Kelly, the chief executive of the advertising agency Arnold Worldwide claimed that Obama’s status as a master networker and communicator immensely aided Blackberry’s perception.
Impact of Endoresments on Blackberry's Identity and Brand
These advertisements and endorsements showcase Blackberry’s mediation during its time of popularity. However, it is important to note how the brand was marketed towards the end of its popularity and during the brand’s shift towards cyber-security. Through watching media such as the Blackberry film, evidence of how the brand wanted to leave its mark towards the end of its reign in the cell phone industry can be noted. With Blackberry's fierce competition, Apple played an important role in many of Blackberry’s business decisions, such as moving the production supplier to China to keep up with the market. Through displaying Blackberry products as monumental in the history of smartphones, the film focuses on the impact these phones had on the market. Current mediation of Blackberry includes a heavy emphasis on cyber security, reliance and secure communication. All of these features were notably advertised during the reign of the Blackberry Bold. This shift showcases the brand finding its niche after a decline in the cellphone market.